Is there Scriptural evidence upholding a physical raising of the body? In this sermon titled “The Resurrection of the Body,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on a difficult topic by surveying the teaching of the Old and New Testament on the subject. As he demonstrates, the New Testament is clearer in its teaching regarding the resurrection. Nonetheless, the doctrine is present in the Old Testament as well. Some modern-day Christians are skeptical regarding the literal physical raising of bodies, but Dr. Lloyd-Jones draws attention to the hope that the writers of Scripture portrayed through their writings regarding the resurrection. While human bodies were sown in sin and weakness, he says, Christians will be raised in glory and power on the last day as they partake in the glories of Jesus. Indeed, the resurrection and redemption of the body is a part of salvation. This marks a distinction between Christianity and other religions; Christianity says the body will not be obliterated, but will be redeemed into glorious, incorruptible bodies that follow the nature of the resurrected Christ. And with these incorruptible bodies, they will glorify God as they worship Him without the marks of sin, disease, and death.
Up Next in Great Biblical Doctrines
The Sacraments
In this sermon on sacraments, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones begins a series on the sacraments and their place in the lives of believers. This topic provokes many different views but as Dr. Lloyd-Jones says, keeping these practices is one of the ways that believers receive God’s grace. Protestants have h...
The Second Coming - An Introduction
In this sermon on the Second Coming, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches a message on the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is much confusion over what the second coming refers to, and some argue about its timing. Did the second coming happen at Pentecost? Did it happen when the temple was destroy...
Daniel 9
Daniel 9 is vital to the Christian understanding of events. However, due to its difficult nature, many Christians interpret it incorrectly or stay away from it all-together. Yet, God placed it in His word for a reason. In this sermon titled “The Interpretation of Daniel 9,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones...