47:16Episode 1
The Deity and Humanity of Christ
Episode 1
Who is Jesus Christ? In this sermon on the deity and humanity of Christ, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines this question, looking at what all of Scripture has to say about the person and work of Jesus Christ. He is given many names: Son of God, Messiah, Lord, and others. This points to the great fa...
40:52Episode 2
The Blessings of the New Covenant
Episode 2
What are the results and consequences of the atonement? In this sermon on covenant blessings, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores the new covenant made on Calvary by the blood of Jesus Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones returns back to the Old Testament laws and sacrifices that give the context for the New Test...
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation: The Significance of Pentecost
Episode 3
What is so unique about Pentecost? Certainly, it was not the first time the Holy Spirit had come upon a believer. Yet, there must be something special about this occurrence. What is the significance of the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 at Pentecost? In this sermon on the significance of Pen...
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Salvation: Creation and Common Grace
Episode 4
When did the Holy Spirit begin His work? Was it only after Pentecost or was He active and present before that important day? In this sermon on the Holy Spirit’s role in creation and common grace, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explain his method of approach when coming to difficult doctrines or statement...
40:52Episode 5
The Necessity of the Atonement
Episode 5
What does the Bible mean when it calls God both just and the justifier? Moreover, was the atonement really necessary? Were there any other ways? In this sermon on the atonement, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explores these questions in his ongoing series of the Doctrine of the Atonement. After he review...
39:29Episode 6
The Lord Jesus Christ
Episode 6
What is at the center of the Christian faith? In this sermon on the Lord Jesus Christ, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers this question, preaching that unlike all other religions, Christianity is centered around the one man, Jesus Christ. Jesus is not simply a generic moral teacher or wise man, but H...
43:52Episode 7
The Eternal Decrees of God
Episode 7
What are the eternal decrees of God? In this sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines this question by looking at what all of Scripture says concerning God and His works. The Bible teaches that before the world began, God ordained all that would come to pass. The great plan is brought to fulfillme...
41:41Episode 8
The Incarnation
Episode 8
What does it mean that the Son of God became a man? This great doctrine is what has traditionally been called the incarnation. It is God taking on a true human nature in order to save His people. In this sermon on the incarnation, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the great importance of this do...
43:42Episode 9
Christ the Victor
Episode 9
In addition to taking the punishment for sin on the cross, what else did Jesus’s death accomplish? In this sermon on Christ's victory on the cross, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains that Jesus’s death was not only a passive act of receiving God’s wrath, but also an active sign of victory. Dr. Lloyd...
45:27Episode 10
Redemption: The Eternal Plan of God
Episode 10
Before the creation of the world, before the beginning of time, God had a plan to redeem the world. In this sermon on God’s plan of redemption, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones boldly proclaims the truth of God’s eternal design for the work of Christ. Before the foundations of the earth, God the Father, in...
47:02Episode 11
Sanctification in Romans 6 to 8
Episode 11
In this sermon on sanctification, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses this topic, saying “It is impossible for a Christian to remain in continual sin due to sanctification.” This is a freeing truth. From the moment of conversion, the Spirit of Life dwells in the believer, and they cannot be subject ...
47:18Episode 12
Sanctification - God's Work and Ours
Episode 12
In this sermon titled “Sanctification: God’s Work and Ours,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tackles these issues and more in this sermon on the Holy Spirit’s work in the life of a believer. Sanctification is the process by which Christians are changed to be more like Jesus Christ. This begins at the mome...
Sanctification The Mighty Process of the Holy Spirit
Episode 13
According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, God’s purpose for everything He does is the Christian’s sanctification. In this sermon titled “The Mighty Process of the Holy Spirit,” he outlines three dangers: Christians must not separate justification and sanctification; Christians cannot believe to both r...
44:29Episode 14
Spirit Baptism and Filling
Episode 14
This phrase is often misunderstood by many Christians, and Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones brings clarity to this topic in this sermon on being filled with the Holy Spirit. Many people will say that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the same as salvation. Yet, this implies that the apostles were not saved...
42:18Episode 15
The Book of Revelation
Episode 15
The book of Revelation can leave its readers with more questions than answers. The deep symbolism and imagery makes it seem impossible to understand exactly what the author was trying to say. In this sermon on Revelation, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes the listener through a brief overview of the m...
44:13Episode 16
The Gifts of The Holy Spirit
Episode 16
In this sermon on spiritual gifts, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes the listener through this topic as he preaches on Scripture’s teachings regarding spiritual gifts. These are extraordinary powers that separate Christians from one another and enable them to serve effectively in different ways across...
42:54Episode 17
Further Reflections of Baptism of Spirit
Episode 17
Is doctrine the only way through which one learns about God? In this sermon on the Baptism of the Spirit, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives further thoughts and Scriptural exposition on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and on why it is a mistake to rely too much on either experiences or doctrine when th...
47:18Episode 18
The Doctrine of The Church
Episode 18
Many Christians throughout history have minimized the church and it continues today. Is the kingdom of God the same thing as the church? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in this sermon titled “The Doctrine of the Church,” most problems flow from not taking the church seriously. The answers sta...
51:14Episode 19
The Intermediate State
Episode 19
What happens between death and the final resurrection, the so-called “intermediate state”? In this sermon on “The Intermediate State,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents and explains several views on the intermediate state. Some propose that souls sleep until Jesus comes again; some argue that the d...
38:44Episode 20
The Final Judgement
Episode 20
What does Scripture teach? In this sermon on the final judgment, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains the final judgment as the final solution to the world’s trials, yet many people run to temporary fixes while ignoring this key doctrine. Some reject the idea of this judgment because they cannot recon...
46:22Episode 21
The Marks and Government of the Church
Episode 21
In this sermon on the government of the church, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones delves into the practical aspects of why and how Christ created and leads His church. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that a church exists to preach the word, for the upbuilding of the saints and the strengthening of faith, for evang...
43:55Episode 22
The Resurrection
Episode 22
Is there Scriptural evidence upholding a physical raising of the body? In this sermon titled “The Resurrection of the Body,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on a difficult topic by surveying the teaching of the Old and New Testament on the subject. As he demonstrates, the New Testament is clearer...
41:39Episode 23
The Sacraments
Episode 23
In this sermon on sacraments, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones begins a series on the sacraments and their place in the lives of believers. This topic provokes many different views but as Dr. Lloyd-Jones says, keeping these practices is one of the ways that believers receive God’s grace. Protestants have h...
45:46Episode 24
The Second Coming - An Introduction
Episode 24
In this sermon on the Second Coming, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches a message on the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is much confusion over what the second coming refers to, and some argue about its timing. Did the second coming happen at Pentecost? Did it happen when the temple was destroy...