"God loves you." That statement, divorced of the knowledge of the character of God or depth of man's depravity, is empty. But after spending time learning who God is and seeing Him as He presents Himself in Scripture, and contrasting His pure holiness to our rebellion and wickedness, it has an indescribably deep beauty. Why does God love us? For how long will God love us? What can make God stop loving us?
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Up Next in Salvation in Full Colour
The Atonement
When it comes to the atonement of Christ's death, we are again presented with the importance of grasping the bigness of God, our sin, and His love. But what is the atonement and how can the death of one man atone for all the sins of every Christian in history? These are weighty questions deservin...
Ten Shekels and a Shirt - Part One
For the next two weeks, we want to present you with one of the most beneficial sermons John has ever heard. Preached by Paris Reidhead in 1965, the sermon's title is 10 Shekels and a Shirt. In the sermon, Reidhead tackles some very big issues and points us to Christ.
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Ten Shekels and a Shirt - Part Two
In this concluding episode of 10 Shekels and a Shirt, Paris Reidhead takes a deep dive into what is wrong with a man-centered gospel. John also shares his first exposure to this sermon and how God used it in the early life of Christ Church New Albany.
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