The Lumo Project (Segmented Series)

The Lumo Project (Segmented Series)

4 Seasons

The Lumo Project is the chronological filming of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Lumo Project (Segmented Series)
  • The Gospel of John 1:1-34

    Episode 1

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 1:34 - 2:22

    Episode 2

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 2:23 - 3:36

    Episode 3

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 4:1-54

    Episode 4

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 5:1-47

    Episode 5

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 6:1-47

    Episode 6

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 6:61 - 7:44

    Episode 7

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 7:45 - 8:30

    Episode 8

    This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

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  • The Gospel of John 8:31-59

    Episode 9

    This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

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  • The Gospel of John 9:1-41

    Episode 10

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

  • The Gospel of John 10:1-42

    Episode 11

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

  • The Gospel of John 11:1-57

    Episode 12

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

  • The Gospel of John 12:1-50

    Episode 13

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

  • The Gospel of John 13:1-38

    Episode 14

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.

  • The Gospel of John 14:1-31

    Episode 15

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 15:1 - 16:15

    Episode 16

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 16:16 – 17:26

    Episode 17

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 18:1 – 19:3

    Episode 18

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 19:4-37

    Episode 19

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 19:38 - 20:31

    Episode 20

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John 21:1-25

    Episode 21

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.


  • The Gospel of John Credits

    Episode 22

    The Gospel of John is a word-for-word portrayal of the biblical text. This profound film sheds new light on one of history's most sacred texts. Beautifully shot and informed by the latest theological, historical, and archaeological research, this film is something to be enjoyed and treasured.
