2m 3s
We are one
Born of dirt
Rooted in earth
Outstretched limbs
Like the wings of birds
Seeking skies,
Eyes of our hearts enlightened
Lives brightened by resurrection
Light, infiltrating every corner
Of desperation, despair and strife
We are one
Many branches
one body
Reaching into darkness,
One life,
Marked by many stories
Our Suffering and glory
Interweaving like roots
Below the surface
Not them us
So when one bleeds
We all bleed
When ones without
We all need
The great lie believed
Is separation
One seed planted
Birth a tree
Diverse, expressive
We are immersed
In the same soil
The same message
Of restoration and connection
The kingdom of Heaven
Spreading is measured
through our togetherness
By their fruit you shall know them
The voice of God has spoken
And broken our self-righteousness
Pious devotion
To the notion that we
Are on our own and hopeless
So we keep holding onto the
Divine vine
As branches that abide
Lighting up night skies
Bearing witness to His life
The great mystery
hidden throughout the ages
Revealed in Christ
May we bear fruit that provides
Nourishment for these times
That reaches over enemy lines
And bring peace to anxious mines
Fruit that defeats darkness
helps increases the harvest
Of souls, those dancing
Into wholeness reconciled
And devoted.
Prune us and provoke us
To let get go of all that holds us
Burdened and controlled us
Remembering the words of old that
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
But desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
May it be of us
as we trust the best is still to come
May your will be done
May we overcome evil
with suffering love
Building one another up
Fulfilling, in your love
The destiny of your people
Writing poems for the people.